Local Authority SEEN

Formed in May 2024 as a sex equality and equity network for employees of local government in the UK.

Challenges local authorities (including borough councils, county councils, combined authorities, and town and parish councils) that present the concept of “gender identity” as uncontested fact or prioritise it over sex.

Aims to uphold the sex-based rights enshrined in the Equality Act 2010, including same-sex spaces, and the protected characteristics of pregnancy and maternity, and sexual orientation.

Offers information, resources and support to enable individuals and groups to undertake their own action and lobbying within their own local-authority employer.

Helps local authority staff feel confident to exercise their rights, including freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly and association.

Helps local authorities meet their Public Sector Equality Duty by encouraging a diversity of voices, and tolerance and dialogue between those with differing beliefs and experiences.

Twitter: @LocalAuthSEEN

Email: through website