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Candidates and their representatives will be campaigning in your neighbourhood. If they knock on your door, be ready to ask if they will STAND UP FOR SINGLE-SEX SERVICES.

We want to make sure that every candidate seeking to be an MP hears that people want them to STAND UP FOR SINGLE-SEX SERVICES – whether on the doorstep, by email or at hustings.

Every voice counts and Sex Matters’ campaign action guide provides suggestions to help you to ask questions.

The aim is not to put candidates on the spot or catch them out, but to start a conversation and make sure they know this is a serious concern, and that you will expect them to take responsibility if elected.

What to do on the doorstep

  1. Be polite, not antagonistic.
  2. Don’t expect them to know what you are talking about. 
  3. Be ready with two or three key points. You might want to tell them you are concerned about single-sex services, protecting women’s rights and children being transitioned. 
  4. If they are supportive, ask to take a photo of them with you or with our sign (or both). Share it on social media using #StandUpForSingleSexServices.
  5. If you have printed one of our handouts, give it to them to take away. 
  6. If the person who knocks on your door is a canvasser, not a candidate, ask them to write down your concerns and take them back to the candidate. Ask for the candidate’s email address and follow up to say you would like to speak to them directly to help you decide who to vote for.

Print out a few copies of our handout and give one to any canvassers who come to your door, or candidates you meet at hustings or anywhere else.