Schools need clear guidance

The Department for Education has promised to publish new draft guidance on sex and gender for schools and colleges in England before the end of this school year. Schools need simple rules to give children, parents and teachers clear expectations.

We are calling on the DfE to spell out that schools cannot do social transition, but they can accommodate gender non-conformity.

A haircut is just a haircut 

Clothing is just clothing

Non-conformity is welcome

Self-expression is encouraged

You can change your name

You can be yourself

But you cannot
socially transition at school

Be recorded as the opposite sex?

Use the other changing rooms?

Use the other toilets?

Compel other people’s speech?

Play on the other team?

Go to the wrong school?

What should the DfE guidance say?

Schools and colleges can accommodate many aspects of gender self-expression with a “you do you” attitude, and clear policies, but they cannot treat children as the opposite sex.

Download our briefing Why social transition is not possible in schools and government guidance should say so clearly