Send our guidance to a Welsh school
Sex Matters and Transgender Trend have revised their guidance on the Equality Act to cover schools in Wales.
It is designed to help schools set clear, fair policies in relation to girls and boys, including pupils experiencing gender distress. It includes guidance on:
- admissions
- protection against bullying
- name changes
- pronoun requests
- communicating with parents
- record-keeping
- safeguarding
- single-sex facilities
- teaching about sex and gender
You can use the form below to send the guidance directly to any state or private schools in Wales
It takes less than five minutes. Follow the steps below.
You will need the name and email address of a person (such as the head teacher) to send it to.
We strongly recommend you send it to the school with your name, saying if you have a child or grandchild at the school, and use the form to include a short personal note to make sure it is read.