Dr Cass puts a spotlight on the scandal of a “magical” medical service
A damning letter from Dr Hilary Cass about adult gender clinics was sent to NHS England in May and published on 7th August (together with a reply from NHSE). The letter draws into question the basis of “gender medicine”. Although Dr Cass’s mandate was to review services for children,...
9th August 2024
Dispelling the suicide myth
For almost ten years, lobby groups have been promoting the idea that for gender-confused children there are only two options: transition or die. The claim that childhood transition prevents suicide has been used as an argument for social transition in schools, for giving puberty blockers and hormones, and for...
10th May 2024
Gender-distressed youth and suicide risk – factsheet
The possibility of suicide can be a concern for parents with a child experiencing distress about their sex, and for the professionals working with that family, as well as for officials and politicians setting policy. This factsheet summarises research and addresses myths, misunderstandings and scaremongering.
Welsh parliament to debate the Cass Review
Almost two weeks after the publication of the Cass Review’s final report, the Welsh government has yet to make an official statement. But at least we will hear from government ministers during a debate in the Welsh Parliament today. Welsh Conservative Darren Millar MS, the Senedd Constituency Member for...
1st May 2024
The Cass review of gender identity services marks a return to reason and evidence – it must be defended
Its author has had to fend off criticism and misinformation, but the report offers hope for a realistic conversation, writes David Bell for
. -
The Cass Review – initial analysis
The Cass Review of gender-identity services for children and young people has published its final report and recommendations. Sex Matters says: This is a breakthrough. It’s a huge step forward, with multiple implications that will be hugely consequential.
The Cass Review – final report
Dr Hilary Cass's final report and recommendations to NHS England in her role as chair of the Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people.
The Cass Review is a damning indictment of what the NHS has been doing to children
Dr Hilary Cass has submitted her final report and recommendations to NHS England in her role as Chair of the Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people. Hilary Cass’s report demolishes the entire basis for the current model of treating gender-distressed children. Its publication is...
10th April 2024
WPATH: The truth about “gender-affirming healthcare”
What are the “WPATH files” and why are they in the news? The “WPATH files” are documents leaked from the internal chatboard of an organisation called the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). They shine a light on how so-called “gender-affirming care” or “transgender medicine” is leading to...
5th March 2024
WPATH in the UK
A list of organisations in the UK influenced by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, and lobby groups that have pushed its approach to gender medicine.
Sex Matters’ draft response to the Department for Education consultation on guidance for schools on gender-questioning children
Draft version for feedback – read the DfE draft guidance for consultation.
Response to NHS England consultation on Interim Clinical Policy: Puberty suppressing hormones for children and adolescents who have gender incongruence/dysphoria
Our response to this NHS consultation on an interim clinical policy, which closed on 1st November 2023
NHS issues school trans guide to help teachers, schools and parents after ministers dither on issuing official advice
Connor Stringer for the Mail Online.
NHS say schools should not let kids 'socially transition' without parental consent The advice is designed for NHS staff working with children as well as teachers -
Sex and gender: a contemporary reader
Two directors of Sex Matters, Michael Biggs and Emma Hilton, have contributed chapters to Sex and Gender: A Contemporary Reader, an academic book just published by Routledge and edited by Alice Sullivan (who is in Sex Matters’ advisory group) and Selina Todd. Three further chapters are contributed by members...
18th September 2023
Support, advice and guidance for parents
Starting points for parents looking for support, advice and information (mainly focused on the UK) on how to help gender-questioning, gender-distressed and trans-identifying children.
12th July 2023
Teenagers and gender distress: what parents need to know – webinar
Helen Joyce talked with researcher Matilda Gosling and psychotherapist Stella O’Malley on Tuesday 16th May 2023 about how parents can discuss gender-identity ideology with their children in a compassionate and evidence-based way. Watch the recording For other Sex Matters webinars, see our YouTube channel. About the speakers Stella O’Malley...
9th May 2023
Gender medicine is harming young people
They need support, not drugs and surgery.
4'25" video including interviews with eight young people who have detransitioned. -
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base (parts 1, 2 and 3)
Part 1: Why might teenagers question their gender?
Part 2: Treatment and outcomes
Part 3: How parents can support their children17th April 2023
Practical ideas for parents of gender-questioning teenagers
Sex Matters is publishing the final part in a series on gender identity in teenagers today. Aimed at parents, the series sets out reasons teenagers might start to question their gender, treatment and outcomes, and practical ideas for parents and carers of gender-questioning teenagers. Writing in The Critic today,...
17th April 2023
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base – part 3
by Matilda Gosling Part 3: How parents can support their children This paper is the final part of a series summarising the evidence base on teenagers and gender identity for parents. This part of the paper looks at practical ways in which parents of gender-questioning teenagers may be able to...
Asleep at the Wheel: An Examination of Gender and Safeguarding in Schools
Lottie Moore
Schools are increasingly becoming influenced by gender ideology, to the extent that fundamental safeguarding principles are being compromised by school’s approaches to children with gender distress and their peers. -
Child gender medicine: the evidence – webinar
At this Sex Matters webinar, on 23rd February 2023, our director of advocacy, Helen Joyce, talked with sociologist Michael Biggs and social-science researcher Matilda Gosling about current practice in child gender medicine, and the poor quality of the research it is based on. Watch the recording For other Sex...
14th February 2023
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base – part 2
by Matilda Gosling Part 2: Treatment and outcomes This paper is the second of a three-part series summarising the evidence base on teenagers and gender identity for parents. This part examines medical treatment for gender distress in teenagers – namely puberty blockers and hormone treatment – and associated mental and...
Gender-questioning teenagers: puberty blockers and hormone treatment vs placebo
This technical paper adds to the literature on the treatment of gender dysphoria by using data from comparable studies on teenagers’ mental health to assess whether puberty blockers and hormone treatment are better than placebo at alleviating distress.
The need for a joined-up approach to children with gender dysphoria – a response to NHS England’s interim service specification
Our response focuses on the questions on social transition and on the Equality and Health Impact Assessment, and includes a supplementary note with further analysis and references.
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base – part 1
by Matilda Gosling and Stella O’Malley Introduction and Part 1: Why might teenagers question their gender? A paper aimed at parents and those who simply want to understand more about gender identity in adolescence. This paper is the first of a three-part series summarising the evidence base on teenagers and...
International alliance founded in 2021 by parents and clinicians seeking a rational approach to gender issues. Has expanded to include detransitioners, desisters and people unhappy with their own transition, as well as other professionals such as educators and journalists. Creates resources on gender issues and seeks a better approach...
Puberty blockers do not alleviate negative thoughts in children with gender dysphoria, finds study
Puberty blockers used to treat children aged 12 to 15 who have severe and persistent gender dysphoria had no significant effect on their psychological function, thoughts of self-harm, or body image, a study has found.