For parents
Here are all our publications with advice and guidance for parents.
See also our updates, publications and external resources on healthcare (including healthcare for gender-confused children) and schools and safeguarding.
Sex-based rules and record-keeping – a whole-school model policy
See also the editable version in Word, for schools to adapt. Read more about why this policy is needed. This model policy specifies how a school records, communicates and uses data on the sex of all pupils, and any rules that treat girls and boys differently but fairly. It...
Gender-distressed youth and suicide risk – factsheet
The possibility of suicide can be a concern for parents with a child experiencing distress about their sex, and for the professionals working with that family, as well as for officials and politicians setting policy. This factsheet summarises research and addresses myths, misunderstandings and scaremongering.
The Cass Review – initial analysis
The Cass Review of gender-identity services for children and young people has published its final report and recommendations. Sex Matters says: This is a breakthrough. It’s a huge step forward, with multiple implications that will be hugely consequential.
Support, advice and guidance for parents
Starting points for parents looking for support, advice and information (mainly focused on the UK) on how to help gender-questioning, gender-distressed and trans-identifying children.
12th July 2023
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base (parts 1, 2 and 3)
Part 1: Why might teenagers question their gender?
Part 2: Treatment and outcomes
Part 3: How parents can support their children17th April 2023
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base – part 3
by Matilda Gosling Part 3: How parents can support their children This paper is the final part of a series summarising the evidence base on teenagers and gender identity for parents. This part of the paper looks at practical ways in which parents of gender-questioning teenagers may be able to...
Sex and gender identity: keep your pupils safe and comply with the law – guidance for schools in Wales
Our schools guidance, produced together with Transgender Trend, has been revised for schools in Wales. It draws on guidance from the Welsh Government, relevant legislation from the UK government, the interim report of the Cass Review, EHRC guidance, and others. The model policy is now available...
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base – part 2
by Matilda Gosling Part 2: Treatment and outcomes This paper is the second of a three-part series summarising the evidence base on teenagers and gender identity for parents. This part examines medical treatment for gender distress in teenagers – namely puberty blockers and hormone treatment – and associated mental and...
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base – part 1
by Matilda Gosling and Stella O’Malley Introduction and Part 1: Why might teenagers question their gender? A paper aimed at parents and those who simply want to understand more about gender identity in adolescence. This paper is the first of a three-part series summarising the evidence base on teenagers and...
Sex and gender identity: keep your pupils safe and comply with the law – guidance for schools in England
This revision of our May 2021 guidance, produced together with Transgender Trend, draws on the interim report of the Cass Review, recent legal cases on freedom of belief, the EHRC’s new guidance on single-sex services and a YouGov survey of teachers, as well as government guidance and legislation. Republished with...