URGENT: Ask your MP to support the bill!

It only takes two minutes.

A private member’s bill to amend the Health Act and the Equality Act is on the House of Commons agenda for the morning of Friday 15th March for its second reading – the first chance for MPs to debate its proposals. 

Outlaw giving puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender-distressed children. Prevent children being recorded or referred to as the opposite sex by public authorities in England and Wales. Amend the Equality Act to make clear that the protected characteristic of sex relates to whether someone was born with a male or female body.

Write to your MP TODAY to ask them to go to Friday’s debate – to support the bill and help change the law to protect our children, and to uphold the rights of women and girls.  

This debate was on the agenda for Friday 15th March 2024 – thank you to the 2,907 people who emailed their MPs.