Healthcare • Page 2
Putting remembrance in context
Today, 20th November, is Trans Day of Remembrance, which has been marked annually since 2011 and is intended to commemorate the deaths of trans-identified people caused by transphobia. It has rapidly become a fixture in transactivists’ campaigning calendar. Unevidenced claims about the outsize risks faced by trans people, the...
20th November 2023
Response to NHS England consultation on Interim Clinical Policy: Puberty suppressing hormones for children and adolescents who have gender incongruence/dysphoria
Our response to this NHS consultation on an interim clinical policy, which closed on 1st November 2023
Policy proposal: Legislation to ban modern conversion therapy
Any law to ban conversion therapy should seek to solve problems that exist today, not symbolically fight the battles of yesterday.
Data matters
Advice on the questions you should ask when collecting personal data on sex and transgender identity. See also our template letter of complaint to send when you are concerned that an organisation is misusing your data by confusing sex and gender.
‘Feminist approach’ to cancer could save lives of 800,000 women a year
Andrew Gregory, health editor, The Guardian
Gender inequality and discrimination impede timely diagnoses and quality care for women around the world, says report. -
NHS issues school trans guide to help teachers, schools and parents after ministers dither on issuing official advice
Connor Stringer for the Mail Online.
NHS say schools should not let kids 'socially transition' without parental consent The advice is designed for NHS staff working with children as well as teachers -
Sex and gender: a contemporary reader
Two directors of Sex Matters, Michael Biggs and Emma Hilton, have contributed chapters to Sex and Gender: A Contemporary Reader, an academic book just published by Routledge and edited by Alice Sullivan (who is in Sex Matters’ advisory group) and Selina Todd. Three further chapters are contributed by members...
18th September 2023
Doctors at GOSH advised not to use the terms ‘boys and girls’
Charles Hymas, Social Affairs Editor, The Telegraph.
Staff at Great Ormond Street Hospital told to avoid words such as ‘guys, gents and dudes’ when talking to groups and stop using ‘gendered language’ in new guidance document. -
The NHS is accused of ‘trying to erase women’ as dozens of trusts sign up to Rainbow Badge scheme that marks down hospitals for using words like ‘mother’
Martin Beckford, policy editor for the Daily Mail
Lib Dem activists say menstruation ‘not just a women’s issue’ as party to debate motion
Katie Harris, political reporter for the Express
Maya Forstater of Sex Matters is quoted. “Of course menstruation is solely a women's issue – only women have uteruses, and so only women can menstruate.” -
Support, advice and guidance for parents
Starting points for parents looking for support, advice and information (mainly focused on the UK) on how to help gender-questioning, gender-distressed and trans-identifying children.
12th July 2023
Maya Forstater hits out at ‘ideologically captured’ CPS for guidelines stating parents could be charged with domestic abuse for refusing to pay for their child’s transgender treatment or not using their preferred pronoun
Harry Howard for Mail Online
Maya Forstater is quoted at length. -
Reality vs. Trans Ideology | Helen Joyce & Peter Boghossian
Peter and Helen discuss the definition of sex, why trans men should be allowed in women’s spaces, the tragedy of the commons, fa’afafine, evolution, the “thought-terminating cliché,” the tribal fear of rejection, the cultivation of mental illness, why institutions are losing their North Stars, and much more.
1:10:31 on... -
Saying no to school transition
Miriam Cates for The Critic
Social transition in schools is wrong, risky and unfair to children — and the government should ban it. Cates writes about the Department for Education’s draft “trans” guidance leaked to The Sun. -
Westminster Hall debate on our petition to make the Equality Act clear
Monday 12th June 2023 For the full official transcription of the debate, see Hansard. In the Chair, Judith Cummins began by reminding everyone that the petitions being debated indirectly related to two ongoing legal cases in the Scottish courts, but that reference to those would be allowed. Tonia Antoniazzi (Gower)...
13th June 2023
Statement on the reference to suicide made during the Westminster Hall debate
Yesterday during the debate on the definition of sex in the Equality Act, Kirsty Blackman MP referred to a trans constituent she said had contacted her: “When they heard about biological sex being included in the Equality Act and this change being made, they said, ‘What hope is left?...
13th June 2023
How did NHS body get the law so badly wrong over its rules on same-sex care?
Sonia Sodha for The Guardian
Sex Matters’ chair Naomi Cunningham as quoted as a barrister specialising in discrimination law. -
NHS trans guidelines ‘put patients at risk of sexual assault by staff’
Sarah O'Grady for the Express with a comment by Maya Forstater, founder of Sex Matters.
NHS Confederation says women have no right to know a healthcare worker’s sex: Helen Joyce interviewed
Helen Joyce interviewed by Ian Collins for TalkTV.
NHS will not offer puberty blockers to children suffering from gender dysphoria
By Max Stephens and Alex Barton for The Telegraph.
Helen Joyce is quoted as director of the gender-critical group Sex Matters" -
Patients don’t have the right to know if their medics are transgender and may be guilty of discrimination if they ask to see another doctor – and those with dementia ‘should be challenged’ over discriminatory views, NHS warns
By Martin Beckford for Mail Online
Maya Forstater of Sex Matters is quoted. -
Interim specialist service for children and young people with gender incongruence
Interim service specification from NHS England.
Mixed-sex hospital wards are not just undignified — they’re dangerous: Mind Doctor MAX PEMBERTON asks why after 12 years there are still thousands of breaches of NHS rules every month
Dr Max Permberton for the Daily Mail
Research shows that individuals are at significantly increased risk of violence if they are cared for on a mixed ward. -
Campaigners reveal in new poll majority of Britons want trans ban in female spaces
Sarah O’Grady, Social Affairs Editor for the Daily Express
Feature on Sex Matters’ poll results, released on 5th June 2023. -
Less than third of Britons want transwomen allowed in female-only spaces
James Beal, Social Affairs Editor for The Times
Feature on Sex Matters’ poll results, released on 5th June 2023. -
Fewer than a third of Brits think trans women should be allowed to use female changing rooms and three-quarters want them excluded from women’s sport
Ryan Hooper for the Daily Mail
Feature on Sex Matters’ poll results, released on 5th June 2023. -
Less than a third of Brits say transwomen should be allowed in female-only spaces and sports
Sex Matters has today released the findings from a representative national poll. It finds that less than one in three Britons believe that transwomen – men who identify as women – should be allowed in women’s sports, changing rooms and toilets, or to provide ‘female-only’ intimate care. The lack...
5th June 2023
Sex Matters poll results as graphics (for printing)
A six-page graphical summary of the figures from our poll: a nationally representative sample of over-18s, polled online on 15th May 2023 by PeoplePolling. Optimised for printing.
Sex Matters poll results as graphics (for screen)
A six-page graphical summary of the figures from our poll: a nationally representative sample of over-18s, polled online on 15th May 2023 by PeoplePolling.
Why social transition in schools is not possible and government guidance should say so clearly
It is not possible to treat any child as if they are a member of the opposite sex in a school environment. A clear analysis of the steps involved in social transition reveals that to do so inevitably exposes the child to unacceptable safeguarding risks and infringes other pupils’...
Schools need clear guidance
The Department for Education has promised to publish new draft guidance on sex and gender for schools and colleges in England before the end of this school year. Schools need simple rules to give children, parents and teachers clear expectations. We are calling on the DfE to spell out that...
21st May 2023