Healthcare • Page 3
Teenagers and gender distress: what parents need to know – webinar
Helen Joyce talked with researcher Matilda Gosling and psychotherapist Stella O’Malley on Tuesday 16th May 2023 about how parents can discuss gender-identity ideology with their children in a compassionate and evidence-based way. Watch the recording For other Sex Matters webinars, see our YouTube channel. About the speakers Stella O’Malley...
9th May 2023
Answers to questions on sex, gender, biology and identity
Sex Matters has written a set of frequently asked questions which seeks to provide answers in everyday language about the material reality of sex, and the idea of gender identity. The aim is to provide clear starting points for debate and discussion, for anyone trying to understand the competing...
28th April 2023
Gender medicine is harming young people
They need support, not drugs and surgery.
4'25" video including interviews with eight young people who have detransitioned. -
Trans Clinic Whistleblower Speaks Out
Jamie Reed is a life-long progressive and healthcare professional. For many years she has provided counselling to vulnerable populations including children in foster care, sexual minorities and young people with HIV. For four years she worked at the Washington University Transgender Center at St Louis Children's Hospital, Missouri, US....
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base (parts 1, 2 and 3)
Part 1: Why might teenagers question their gender?
Part 2: Treatment and outcomes
Part 3: How parents can support their children17th April 2023
Practical ideas for parents of gender-questioning teenagers
Sex Matters is publishing the final part in a series on gender identity in teenagers today. Aimed at parents, the series sets out reasons teenagers might start to question their gender, treatment and outcomes, and practical ideas for parents and carers of gender-questioning teenagers. Writing in The Critic today,...
17th April 2023
When we are at our most vulnerable – the sickening extent of rapes and sexual assaults in hospitals
More than 6500 rapes and sexual assaults - some against children under 13 - have been committed in hospitals in England and Wales over nearly four years.
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base – part 3
by Matilda Gosling Part 3: How parents can support their children This paper is the final part of a series summarising the evidence base on teenagers and gender identity for parents. This part of the paper looks at practical ways in which parents of gender-questioning teenagers may be able to...
DfE guidance must be clear: schools cannot facilitate “social transition”
Reports about the Department for Education’s forthcoming guidance on trans issues for schools are encouraging, going quite some way towards our recommendations. The Times reports that schools will be told not to allow children to use opposite-sex facilities or play contact sports for the opposite sex, and to tell...
16th April 2023
Asleep at the Wheel: An Examination of Gender and Safeguarding in Schools
Lottie Moore
Schools are increasingly becoming influenced by gender ideology, to the extent that fundamental safeguarding principles are being compromised by school’s approaches to children with gender distress and their peers. -
Rishi Sunak facing ‘big backlash’ over trans conversion therapy ban
Daniel Martin for The Telegraph
Maya Forstater and Sex Matters are quoted at length. -
Gender dysphoria in young people is rising – and so is professional disagreement
More children and adolescents are identifying as transgender and are being offered medical treatment, especially in the US – but some providers and European authorities are urging caution because of a lack of strong evidence. Jennifer Block reports.
Child gender medicine: the evidence – webinar
At this Sex Matters webinar, on 23rd February 2023, our director of advocacy, Helen Joyce, talked with sociologist Michael Biggs and social-science researcher Matilda Gosling about current practice in child gender medicine, and the poor quality of the research it is based on. Watch the recording For other Sex...
14th February 2023
Michael Biggs on puberty blockers: from curiosity to exposé
On this episode of Gender: A Wider Lens, Stella & Sasha sit down with Dr Michael Biggs, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of St Cross College. Dr. Biggs has been key in uncovering vital information that led to the independent Cass Review...
Transgender Trend
Founded in 2015 to draw attention to the harms done by gender-identity ideology to children, especially in schools and in medicine. In 2020 was given permission by the High Court to intervene in support of Keira Bell’s judicial review against the Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust. In March 2022,...
Gender identity ideology in the NHS
NHS Trust tells patient they cannot guarantee intimate same-sex care.
Lottie Moore
The NHS is increasingly becoming influenced by gender identity ideology, which disregards the realities and immutability of biological sex. This is being done in the absence of democratic consensus and with very little understanding for the consequences for... -
Women’s Declaration International
Female volunteers from across the globe dedicated to protecting women’s sex-based rights, including academics, writers, organisers, activists, and health practitioners. Created the Declaration on Women’s Sex Based Rights to lobby nations to maintain language protecting women and girls on the basis of sex rather than gender or gender identity. Holds two...
Clarify the Equality Act: sign the petition
The Equality Act 2010 protects everyone’s rights and covers everything from schools to hospitals, pubs to sports, and everybody’s workplace. It includes protection against sex-discrimination, and allows single-sex services. But on 13th December a judge in Scotland pronounced that Equality Act does not recognise biological sex as a protected...
16th December 2022
The “gender-affirming” care model is built on sand
Our new report shows that the “gender-affirming” model of care for teenagers is based on evidence that falls apart under examination. Researchers and clinicians often argue that gender-questioning teenagers need puberty blockers and hormone treatment because their mental health will suffer without them. But all long-term studies showing mental-health...
15th December 2022
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base – part 2
by Matilda Gosling Part 2: Treatment and outcomes This paper is the second of a three-part series summarising the evidence base on teenagers and gender identity for parents. This part examines medical treatment for gender distress in teenagers – namely puberty blockers and hormone treatment – and associated mental and...
Gender-questioning teenagers: puberty blockers and hormone treatment vs placebo
This technical paper adds to the literature on the treatment of gender dysphoria by using data from comparable studies on teenagers’ mental health to assess whether puberty blockers and hormone treatment are better than placebo at alleviating distress.
The need for a joined-up approach to children with gender dysphoria – a response to NHS England’s interim service specification
Our response focuses on the questions on social transition and on the Equality and Health Impact Assessment, and includes a supplementary note with further analysis and references.
The need for a joined-up approach to children with gender dysphoria
Sex Matters’ response to NHS England’s interim service specification. We call on the NHS, the DfE, Ofsted and the EHRC to develop a shared conception of what are reasonable requests for social accommodation, based on a common understanding of the Equality Act and on safeguarding.
Why Sex Matters is calling for clarification of the Equality Act 2010 – a briefing
Sex Matters has launched a petition calling on the government to clarify that in the Equality Act 2010, “sex” means biological sex, and is not modified by the Gender Recognition Act 2004. This would protect the rights of people of both sexes, as well as people who identify as...
Trans rights are human rights!
Sex Matters is a human-rights organisation. We believe that universal human rights form a powerful framework for thinking about how a diversity of freedoms can be respected, while protecting against harm and maintaining an open and prosperous society. It is sometimes argued that those who call for clarity on...
9th November 2022
Why sex matters for human rights – our organisational framework
Sex Matters’ mission is to promote clarity on sex in law and policy in order to protect everybody’s human rights. This document sets out the key human rights that are relevant, and why and how our work is guided by the promotion of human rights. (Also see our short guide...
Petition champions
After just three days we were over a quarter of the way to the 100,000 signatures needed to prompt a parliamentary debate. We’ve now got more than 40,000 signatures. Thank you to everyone who has already signed the Make the Equality Act Clear Petition. Every signature helps! If everyone...
5th November 2022
Campaign update: Day 1
Yesterday we launched the Make the Equality Act Clear petition, calling on the government to clarify, with a legislative amendment, that sex means sex in the Equality Act 2010. It got an amazing response. In less than 24 hours, 15,000 people signed the petition, and the number is continuing...
3rd November 2022
Teenagers and gender identity
A trickle of teenagers, and especially girls, identifying out of their sex has become a torrent in recent years. Our new publication, part one of a series of three, is aimed at the parents of those teenagers. The authors, Matilda Gosling and Stella O’Malley, combine research expertise with practical professional...
10th October 2022
Teenagers and gender identity: the evidence base – part 1
by Matilda Gosling and Stella O’Malley Introduction and Part 1: Why might teenagers question their gender? A paper aimed at parents and those who simply want to understand more about gender identity in adolescence. This paper is the first of a three-part series summarising the evidence base on teenagers and...
What’s wrong with WPATH version 8?
Guest post by James Esses, of Thoughtful Therapists On 6th September 2022, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) published its updated Standards of Care: Version 8. WPATH was founded in 1979 as a self-regulated membership body. Its stated purpose is to “promote evidence-based care, education, research, advocacy,...
20th September 2022
Caring about Dignity
A group of campaigners, carers, healthcare professionals and parents of children receiving care formed in 2023. Their aim is to collect the stories of those who receive care in their own home or in residential homes, to amplify their voices. Those stories reveal the widespread issues about dignity in...